The wing of a bird flutters, as the spoke of a wheel twirls, while the clouds of a wall float past a beast on a table and landscapes of fog mist. All this and other wankery phrases turned in this week’s links! Oh, and a healthy dose of beautiful type! Can’t forget the lovely letters.
Cranky Peddler
I am nothing but floored by the work that Studio On Fire prints up and a recent print of theirs for illustrator Jason Strong is no exception. The poster is 17×22″ and is for ARTCRANK—a poster show which “blends a love for bikes and poster art.”
For my fellow letterpress addicts, they used photopolymer plates which worked out super well and looked to hold strong with the line work. I need to play with photopoly more as it seems to be much more durable than I thought – thanks for the inspiration Studio On Fire!
Aimee Wilder and her beautiful patterns
Found via Apartment Therapy, Aimee’s work will set the mood gun to cool-as-ice, ready to be fired at any wall in your home with glee.
Sandro Diener
The landscape photography of Sandro Diener is breathtaking. The misty scenes drive the viewer to a desire to walk the rocky terrain to find out what is just beyond what one can see. You can’t help but ponder, what delicate creature can be found in the fog? Absolutely beautiful stuff.
Alison Carmichael’s lovely letters
Alison Carmichael has a gift when it comes to lettering. A gift many of us wish for, but few have. There is such delicacy and craft within the strokes of her work that it makes me wonder why one would possibly want to use a font when they could create such beauty themselves? I guess it’s because we’re not all nearly as talented as Alison.
via the always lovely Sarah France’s Work in Progress.
The Art of Lost Words
“An exhibition of design, typography and illustration inspired by forgotten words.”
There is some lovely work to be found here in the online version of an exhibition that took place in the UK, my favorite of which are some of the typographic expressions.
Phil Yamada
I’m really enjoying the clean, type strong work of Phil Yamada. My only bother is that there isn’t enough of it on show. Hopefully when he’s finished his site, there will be much more to devour.
Auburn Magazine Redesign
I’ve been a subscriber of the Pentagram RSS feed for a little while now. More often than not (read: about 85% of the time) I’m simply blown away by the work shown. It’s also helped me become more familiar with the Texan magazine genius DJ Stout.
One of his latest offerings is the redesign of Auburn, the magazine of Auburn University in Alabama, is a lovely little ditty that’s got a number of beautiful aspects to it. There is the super strong focus on great photography and illustration, which is always a plus in editorial, and then there’s those looooovely slab-serif drop caps and titles that work so well that I’m desperate to figure out how to get something similiar in place of Tarzanna as the corporate font at the University I work at. Great work as always, Mr Stout.
“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong”
—Joseph Chilton Pearce
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